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Audit Services and Institute Compliance (ASIC) proactively partners with management, faculty, and staff to ensure that the Campus, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and other Caltech operations effectively:

  • Identify and manage risks;
  • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, contract/grant provisions, and internal procedures;
  • Maintain financial and operational information integrity;
  • Establish and maintain an appropriate control environment, level of accountability, and ethical framework; and
  • Monitor and improve processes.

ASIC conducts financial, operational, and information technology audits in accordance with approved plans and established policies and procedures. In addition, ASIC complies with the Code of Ethics and the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing promulgated by The Institute of Internal Auditors, as well as other professional auditing standards which may be applicable to the performance of work assignments

ASIC has developed an Institute Compliance Program that reflects the Institute's commitment to the highest standards in all of its activities. The program provides an operational framework to help ensure that compliance remains an integral part of the Institute's culture. ASIC helps management, faculty, and staff identify and reduce risks which could adversely affect the Institute.


Updated 02/09/2011

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